Rich Media and Cognitive Load

I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent preparing for my LT 8000 Using Rich Media presentation. I was amazed at how much there is to learn about the topic and know that I could only scratch the surface when presenting what I have learned from my research. In case you want to take a look, see the attached PowerPoint presentation. Below I will just highlight a few areas I touched on in my presentation.

If you recall earlier in the semester I talked about two approaches to instructional learning technology-centered vs. a Learner-Centered. With a learner-centered approach the focus is on the Learner and how people learn. It is an evidence-based-practice where the goal is to aid in human cognition or learning.

Mayer states that “People learn better when multimedia messages are designed in ways that are consistent with how the human mind works and with research-based principles” (Mayer, 2001).

So how does learning work? Our working memory and long-term memory shape learning process. Working memory is the center of conscious thinking BUT it is LIMITED IN CAPACITY. Therefore, effective instructional strategies MUST accommodate the limited capacity of working memory. The diagram below does a great job explaining this.

cognitive learning process


A video by Andrew Wolf is attached. Although the animation is a little busy, the video does an excellent job explaining the Cognitive Load Theory.


My Using Rich Media Wisely presentation link is below:

Ch. 32. Using Rich Media Wisely – Presented by. K Whitaker Fall 2014

Until next week….. Happy Learning!

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